
A New Home

I first met this beautiful family when we first arrived in Naperville three years ago. Jason and I were so nervous to find someone who would watch Lila while we were at work. Luckily, we met Dana and thus Lila spent her days copying Carter, mothering Avery and generally driving Gavin nuts. The Micheli family has built a new home and it is gorgeous. I love their fall decorations of mums and pumpkins on the country styled front porch. I can already picture their fireplace dressed up in garland and lights during the upcoming holiday season. A new home marks the start of a new adventure and new memories. Through the years, this family will create a collection of memories in this home. Laughter, joy, and most importantly love will fill these new rooms. So many lovely memories ahead…..






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While creating this post, I was listening to Feist.

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