
Rainstorms and Sunsets


I first met Stephanie through The Bar Method. She owns the studio in downtown Naperville and it is a fabulous workout studio. When I signed up for my first class, she noticed that I accidentally signed up for the advanced class and she saved me. I can barely keep up in the basic class, so clearly I would have dropped dead if I tried to keep up in an advanced class during my first round. I’m the one in class who the teacher keeps walking over to help. Lululemon can’t even save me. Thank god for her. Disaster averted.
Our session started at Herrick Lake on a summer morning. The family looked adorable in their perfect outfits, lovely smiles ready. Out of nowhere, a lonely little rain cloud landed right over our session and let loose.  It wasn’t even a rainy day. One cloud found us and decided to pour. We kept going, through the rain. It was beautiful, but we decided to schedule part two for the following weekend.

Flash forward one week and I met this family for our sunset session at Springbrook Prairie Preserve. The evening was gorgeous! The golden light surrounded these three as I photographed them laughing and walking together. No rainclouds in sight or overhead this time, just a beautiful prairie sunset and a family of three.

I have said this many times, but I will say it again. The best part of being a photographer is the connections I am able to make with people. I have three new friends and a collection of photographs to share with them.

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Tonight, I was listening to Simon and Garfunkel while I worked on this post.


Raleigh Photo Co

Serving Arizona & Beyond