Generally, I am a Naperville photographer but once in awhile I get to travel. This time I went to Phoenix for a short visit. I lived about taught elementary school in Phoenix for five years. While living there, I made lots of friends, many who are still very dear to my heart. Courtney is one of my very best friends. With busy family lives, we don’t get to talk often, but when we do we have so much to say. I think of her as a best friend, role model and just a genuinely beautiful person who I hope will always be in my life. I loved staying with her and her family and having a perfect visit. We laughed, spent time outside and most importantly talked. Our conversation drifted from family, to Faith and back to books. Before I was a wife, she was my role model for marriage and before I was a mother, she was my guide to motherhood. Courtney truly has been a beacon in my life.
While photographing her family I tried to document, their daily lives. Waking up, playing and later going out to eat. When I photograph families in this way, I am able to give them the same natural photographs that I take of my own family. Documenting daily moments and turning these into art is why I began my journey as a photographer. I was so pleased that I was once again able to photograph sweet Courtney and her adorable family.