
Naperville Photographer: The Days Before Preschool

Lately, I’ve been taking this blog back to its roots. Before I used this blog to display my photography work , it was a family blog. My last name is Riddle and after my oldest was born I started Riddle Road which eventually evolved into my photography business. So now I will not only display my photography work, but also bits from my day to day life. My regular readers will include me, my husband ( he teaches high school English so he will probably want to point out my edits) and one of my Facebook friends who can’t sleep or wants to look at anything besides work. A solid audience.

My three year old is such a free spirit. She has recently started wanting to dress herself in the morning. Since I’m home on maternity leave and we don’t always go out during the day, I have been going along with this. Sometimes her outfits have included her bathing suit with leggings, other days a princess costume with shorts. The other day, it was boots and undies. She started school this week and we finally had her haircut. How did a little trim make her look so sophisticated? She has also insisted that I do her hair for school and include a bow. Just last week she would not even let me brush her hair without a fight. I miss my little hippie during the day, but I know she is having a wonderful time at preschool.

Naperville Photographer Chicago Photographer Chicago Blogger Chicago Photographer

My playlist while writing this post included tacks from:

The Pixies

Bon Iver

Passion Pit 

Raleigh Photo Co

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