Anne and Andy met in high school and continued their relationship through college and into their careers. One of the best things about Anne and Andy is their joy. Their laughs are both contagious and it is impossible to be in their presence without feeling glee. I don’t see them enough, but when I do, we always leave off right where we left off. Andy and Anne have a way of making you feel important in just the way they smile and welcome others.
It was wonderful to see all of the magnificent people Anne and Andy share their lives with celebrating along side them. This wedding was an enchanting event and I am so thankful that they chose me to photograph this day. I wish them every bit of happiness the world has to offer and I cannot wait to see them both again soon.
“To face the future with another, who means more than any other, is to be loved” – The Rescuers
While writing this post I was listening to Chicago.